Getting Key Performance Indicators right by using a rigorous KPI measurement framework
KPI selection and data gathering are considered by professionals all around the world to be the most challenging aspects in working with KPIs. A way to address these challenges is to build a sound framework to measure KPIs, starting from the moment they are selected, until results are collected to be centralized in performance reports. This training course presents a rigorous KPI Measurement Framework that embeds 10 years of research in the field of key performance indicators and relies on best practices identified in the real business environment.
The World of KPIs
KPI selection
Data gathering
Full payment is required prior to the event.
The course language will be English.
Any withdrawals have to be announced at least two weeks before the beginning of the course, through fax or e-mail. In this situation, the attendance fee will be refunded, less $400 retained for administrative expenditure. The attendance fee will not be refunded if the withdrawal from the course takes place less than 2 weeks before its start date. If you find yourself in the impossibility to attend the course after the registration process is already completed you may delegate another person to attend the course in your place without any further fees charged. If you have confirmed and made the attendance fee payment but you didn’t attend the course, the course attendance fee will not be refunded. If you attend the course only partially (one day or a limited number of sessions), you will not benefit from any attendance fee reduction or refund.
Payment is by Bank Transfer
Please indicate which currency you wish to pay in: AED US Dollars Euros Pounds Sterling
Full payment details will be sent to you on your invoice
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